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Kids at the park

I love these sweet little charmers. Getting them to sit still long enough to capture their precious faces is not easy. If you’ve ever tried to take pictures of your own family, you know what I mean. They see you with a camera in your hand and they run.  I have much better success taking family photos of families that are not my own.

There is strength in numbers.  I had a lot of help wrangling these kiddos at this photography meetup in the park. Don’t get me wrong, they were still far more interested in playing than posing, but I consider a few minutes of sitting on a stool a huge success.

I owe thanks to the parents of these awesome kids for being chief wranglers and allowing them to be our models. I am grateful to Emily Kathleen Photography (my meetup partner in crime), Hector Cavazos Photography (for providing the studio lighting set up at the park and for sharing his amazing tips), Xrissy Photography (for sharing her photo tips and fun stories), and budding photographer Lisa Bassill (her enthusiasm reminds us how exciting photography is). 

Linda Maier Photography is located in Prather, California. The areas of service include Clovis, Fresno, and the foothill areas of Prather, Tollhouse, Auberry.  I also love to have photo sessions in the Sierra Mountain areas of Shaver Lake, Huntington Lake and the Central Coast areas of Morro Bay, Cayucos and Pismo Beach.  If you're interested in a photo session and want more information contact me by phone or text at 559-360-7067 or email